Sometimes in my mind I differ from all conformist ideologies to contemplate what could have been in Allah's mind when he created the universe. Of course he wanted it to be full of life. So he created forms of lives in myriad patterns. But why did he have to create life? To amuse himself? how can billions of life amuse the creator when they are unable to perceive their creator?
How does a football or a cricket bat amuse us? They can't.. Some one plays with the instrument to entertain the spectators. An instrument is as dumb to us as we are to our creator. unable to comprehend.
What is the purpose of an instrument? To serve the purpose it was created/built for. Just like us humans and all other creatures around us. We are just tools/instruments - part of a bigger game plan of which we are entirely unaware. We have been given holy books time to time . All but a very few have denied the orders from the books throughout the human history. From Adam(PBH) to Mohammad (PBH) - NO one has ever seen a 50%+ majority of world population to follow His orders. Even if I take the non-semetic religions Hinduism, Buddhism or anti-religion folks. Has ever a single ideology been seen ruling on the whole planet ? The answer is No . Genghis khan had the largest empire ever seen in world history. Even the population within Genghis khan's territories were less than 50% of world population. They were diverse in religion, social customs and manners.
All it seems to me - God gives us orders , but he doesn't really care about it. May be he is saying "I have sent you books, messengers, just to see what you do. "
And the devil? Quran says Allah created the devil. Apparently devil is the most adored creation of the creator. He is allowed to and given power to do any mischief he wants. He is the strongest rival of God created by God himself. he challenges God and messes up with him. God is so passionate to terminate him , He wants all he is creature to defy the devil. But devil keeps winning and seems unstoppable till the end of the world.
Looks like Allah is playing games with devil. and We are just the characters and objects and instruments in this game. In the end we are promised to have a life that is stated to be extraordinarily blissful/painful as described by the narrators of the Books (though does not interest me a little). There is a saying in Bengal "পাটা পুতায় ঘষাঘষি মরিচের দফারফা " (Morter and pestle hugs each other, chili suffers to the paste).
We are may be important to ourselves but not to anyone else. Just like dinosaurs we will rule as long as we can . Then we will perish.
:-( :-( :-(
May 28, 2014